蕭雨青 Yu-Chin Hsiao 專案教師


E-mail:bluerain@ntut.edu.tw / bluerain@Mail.ntut.edu.tw
聯絡電話:02-2771-2171 分機:8919
研究範疇:設計教育Design Education / 設計方法(同儕互評、互改)Design Methods (Peer Amendment, Peer Review) / 數位設計應用

諮商時間:連結 星期一 09:00 ~ 13:00 (請先Mail聯繫確認時段~謝謝)


  • 國立雲林科技大學/設計學研究所博士班 
  • 國立交通大學/應用藝術研究所
  • 國立彰化師範大學/美術學系


  • 南臺科技大學視覺傳達設計系/助理教授
  • 鴻友科技股份有限公司/工程師
  • 工業研究院/美術設計
  • 全國身心障礙者技能競賽編輯排版職類 / 裁判 (2016-10 ~ 2022)
  • 全國身心障礙者技能競賽編輯排版職類 / 副裁判長 (2016-07 ~ 2022)



  1. Yu Chin Hsiao, Mei Wei Yang, Yi Ling Lo, Chia Hui Feng, Wei Ping Hsu and Rain Chen (2022) , “A Study on Competitive Trend of Global Top 100 Brands”, 10(4), 263-266.
  2. Rain Chen, Wen-Chun Hsu, Chen-I Huang, Yun-Zhen Zhang (2022) , “The Effect of Opposite-Gender Preference in Teachers’ Grading”, 4(2), 30-39.



  1. Rain Chen, Yu-Chin Hsiao*, Mei-Wei Yang (2023/03). When AI Meets AI- Artificial Intelligence Competition. 2023 11th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET), pp. 497-501. (EI)
  2. 蕭雨青,高逸峯(2022/05),“視覺失衡原理在廣告設計教學上之應用”, 2022創新數位設計國際研討會 pp 484-491.
  3. 陳綺晶,黃綝怡,童鼎鈞,蕭雨青(2022/05), “便當的包裝設計影響消費者購買意願之初探―以 7-ELEVEN 便當為例”, 2022創新數位設計國際研討會, 559-567.
  4. 楊美維,李雅雪,蕭雨青,王思蓉,陳重任(2021/05), “憂鬱情緒者於合組創作時的設計表現”, 2021創新數位設計國際研討會, pp. 502-508.
  5. Yu-Chin Hsiao(2019/08), “Apply Augmented Reality on Constructing Children's Cognition of Foods and Agriculture-A Case of Seafood”, International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (ICEPS) 2019.
  6. 吳亭誼,陳重任,蕭雨青(2019/05), “LINE PAY與APPLE PAY介面使用性初探”, 2019創新數位設計國際研討會數位前瞻與設計趨勢.
  7. 高小雯,蕭雨青(2019/05), “伴手禮包裝設計與消費者偏好之研究-以日本遊客為例” 2019創新數位設計國際研討會數位前瞻與設計趨勢.
  8. Yu Hsueh Chen , Yu-Chin Hsiao(2019/03), "A Case Study of the Layout Design for Mobile Device Applications," Sustainable Life & Business (Sus-LaB 3).
  9. Yi-Chen Tsai , Yu-Chin Hsiao(2019/03), "The Impact of Dynamic Electronic Picture Storybooks Towards Elementary School Students’ Painting Performance and Creative Thinking," Sustainable Life & Business (Sus-LaB 3).
  10. Hsiao-Wen Kao, Yu-Chin Hsiao(2019/03), "A Study of Visual Imagery of Aluminum Can Packaging of Alcoholic Beverages," Sustainable Life & Business (Sus-LaB 3).
  11. Che-Wei Ke,*, Rain Chen, Hung-Yuan Chen, Yu-Chin Hsiao(2019/03), "A Study on the Attractive Factors of“Taipei in Motion” regarding Internet Advertisement of The Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade," Sustainable Life & Business (Sus-LaB 3).


國立中山大學西灣學院博雅教育中心-故事創意與數位繪本(繪圖軟體及相關應用) / 講師


袁金塔、李孟書、吳守哲、許文融、謝攸青、曹筱玥、蕭雨青,《藝術概論》,新北市:新頁圖書,2012 年08 月。