E-mail :sytsau@ntut.edu.tw , 062842g@gmail.com
聯絡電話 :886-2-2771-2171 分機 2809/2876
職稱 :專任教授
研究範疇 :虛擬實境/展示科技/數位策展/性別研究與互動科技/STEAM自造教育
- 2006 國立臺灣師範大學美術研究所美術教育與行政組博士
國立台北科技大學 互動設計系 專任教授/系主任<2021/08 - 2024/07>
- AI暨元宇宙研發中心
- 美國紐約Pratt Institute / IVLP訪問學者
- USR社會責任辦公室副執行長
- 臺灣虛實展演發展協會 副理事長
- 財團法人廣達文教基金會董事
- 台灣科技藝術教育協會理事
- 中華創意發展協會理事
- 2022 : 以《藍眼淚 VR》榮獲Los Angeles Film Awards (LAFA)
- 2020/3:以《愛與寂寞散步》動畫短片榮獲2020年紐約電影獎
- 2017 : 獲選AIT IVLP Womem in STEAM 訪美學者
- 2008 : 國立台北科大陽光獎助學金─教師競賽成績優良獎
- 2006 : 國立台北科大九十五學年度教材教具製作競賽榮獲特優與優等
- 時報金犢獎 康師傅香爆脆光告設計獎第二名
- IG 網紅召集令 雲端爭霸賽濾鏡設計競賽第二名
- FunkAR數位互動科技創新實作競賽金獎
- 榮獲基隆黑客松:如果我是超北市長,首都圈大數據策略 競賽 大數據規劃應用獎
- FunkAR數位互動科技創新實作競賽銅獎
- 計算機圖學研討會-VR BATTLE競賽最佳互動獎
- 台灣數位媒體設計獎 互動科技應用金獎
- 鏈金盃黑客松 金融科技創新獎
- 金點新秀創業潛力特別獎
- K.T 科藝獎互動藝術組 銅獎
- 2023/12 : 《高雄冬季國際旅展》,臺灣高雄
- 2023/12 : 《鹿特丹沈浸科技週》,荷蘭鹿特丹
- 2023/10-11 : 《Blue Tears——馬祖藍眼淚奇幻展》,馬祖新村眷村文創園區
- 2023/09 : 《奧地利林茲電子藝術節》,奧地利林茲
- 2023/08 : 《覺旅臺灣——臺灣元宇宙感官之旅》,臺灣台北
- 2021/04:《愛與寂寞散步》動畫短片入圍「WRPN女性國際影展」
- 2020/10/16-20:《有愛!放馬過來》馬首紙雕公益創作義賣展
- 2018/12/04~2019.05.26:《女潮femi flow-女性主體與藝術創作展》,國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心
- 2014/12/05~12/14:《原創基地節》,松山文創園區
- 2014/09/13~12/07:《臺灣美術雙年展》,國立臺灣美術館
- 2014/08/30~11/23:《她的五個衣櫥~數位方舟策展》,國立臺灣美術館
- 2014/07/14~08/31:《默思.堆砌~黃心健x曹筱玥新媒體藝術雙個展》,台中市屯區藝文中心
- 2014/06/14~08/31:《心之舞~曹筱玥數位藝術個展》,國立臺灣美術館
- 2013/05/30~06/28:《Design-In: the Exhibition of the Contemporary Fan Painting》,紐約
- 2013/01/12~02/24:《SHOW HER / HER SHOW:曹筱玥數位藝術個展》,DAC臺北數位藝術中心
- 2012/11/19~12/11:《404藝術節》,阿根廷羅沙里奧
- 2011/11/19~12/11:《2011盧卡攝影節》,義大利
- 2009/03/07~03/29:《身體意識》曹筱玥個展,動力空間,臺中
- 《互動設計概論》,全華,2018年。
- 《SheMaker:女力創客的自造年代》,全華,2017年。
- 《新媒體藝術展演科技與觀眾互動體驗研究》,故宮,2013年。
- "科藝取徑: 融入 Maker 精神的環境藝術教育課程案例", 臺灣教育評論月刊, 72, 10-24, 2018
- "以賽局理論發展之 app 遊戲為媒介傳遞二型糖尿病衛教知識", LSHI 2018 聯結 x 共生: 文化傳承與設計創新國際學術研討會論文集, 263-274, 2018
- "Steam 課程初探: 探討視覺與文字學習風格者在編程網頁平面繪圖課程之差異", 臺灣教育評論月刊, 911, 37-44, 2020
- "無限擴張的藝術工廠—麻州當代美術館六號場館開館大展", 藝術家, 336-341, ELSE1, 2017/07/01
- "Hao Shi Duo Mo”: An Interactive Museum Exhibit Underpinned by IPOP-AEF", Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 1204-1212, ELSE2, 2016/10/01
- "以她者觀點結合原住民族女性身份轉換的心境 之互動藝術創作—以「與她之間」為例", 高應科大人文社會科學學報, P111-130, ELSE1, 2016/07/01
- "行動條碼特性應用於導覽系統輔助之研究- 以「鳥與科技的對話」生態展覽為例", 高應科大人文社會科學學報, P1-62, ELSE1, 2016/07/01
- "從阿德勒的自卑情結論都會女性的剝離與重建—以「我想我是她我想我不是她」創作為例", 美學與視覺藝術學刊, 19-34, ELSE1, 2016/07/01
- "光影盛宴 幻象國度", 台北科大校訓, 16-17, ELSE1, 2015/12/01
- "以班雅明機械複製時代美學觀談數位互動裝置作品之創作內涵", 藝術論衡, 18, ELSE1, 2015/11/01
- "兒童數位圖書館搜尋介面圖符設計-以圓夢繪本資料庫為例", 中華民國設計學會研究論文, 1316-1320, 2015
- "由兒童認知理解力初探兒童想像力量表-以國小三年級為例", 中華民國設計學會研究論文, 95-100, 2015
- "手勢翻譯應用於聽障人士照護設備之研究與創作-以聽說手套為例", 中華民國設計學會研究論文, 684-688, 2015
- "The Development of an Imaginative Thinking Scale", Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 207-238, ELSE2, 2013/06/01
- "由激發想像力思維探索設計課程教學方式", 建築學報, 83, 19-35, 2013
- "想像力量表之編製", 教育科學研究期刊(TSSCI), 教育科學研究期刊, 574,1-37, 2012
- "傳達關懷情感於互動產品設計之研究", 臺北科技大學學報, 442, 65-84, 2012
- "結合網路參與創作的互動公共藝術之設計探討", 華梵藝術與設計學報, ELSE1, 2011/06/01
- "女性生活美學特質與陶瓷工藝之關係:以茶具設計為例", 陶業研究學會會刊, ELSE1, 2011/05/01
- "傳達關懷情感於互動產品設計之研究", 臺北科技大學學報, ELSE1, 2011/05/01
- "新型爵士鼓靈感紀錄應用程式互動介面設計研究-以 Dr Helper-Rock Kit 為例" 文化創意產業研究學報, 12, 75-92, 2011
- "超展示(Hyper display)設計-以行動條碼特性應用於展示設計之導覽系統輔助為例", 海峽論壇2009海峽兩岸創意產業合作與發展高峰會議 論文集, ELSE2, 2009/05/01
- "以精神分析結構學的觀點規劃美術館展示設計介面" 臺灣師範大學美術學系學位論文, 1-234,2006
- "都市漫遊者-以精神分析結構學詮釋美術館參觀行為之個案研究", 藝術教育研究, 127-154, TSSCI, 2005/12/01
- "讓觀者發聲—觀看理論運用於美術館展場設計與規劃之研究", 現代美術學報, 51-85, ELSE1, 2005/05/01
- Chang, C. C., Angot, L., Tsao, H. Y., Chang, C. W., & Lee, C. C. (2009). Off-axis performance analysis of wavefront coded imaging system. Optical review, 16, 126-128.
- Chung, W. A., Yang, Y. C., Tsau, S. Y., & Wu, K. C. (2011). The Application of Wireless communication on interactive technology that raises the participation of the female in science education: A case study with Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School.
- Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. L., Chen, K. V., Tsao, H. Y., Sung, H. Y., Chang, C. W., ... & Chang, H. (2011, January). Fidelity tolerance analysis for computational imaging system. In Digital Photography VII (Vol. 7876, pp. 267-274). SPIE.
- Tsau, S. Y., & Hsiao-Hui, L. (2012). The development of an imagination scale. Journal of research in education sciences, 57(4), 1.
- Chang, C. C., Chen, Y. L., Chen, K. V., Tsao, H. Y., & Chang, C. W. (2012, October). Novel approach for merit function optimization in hybrid imaging system through finite impulse response method. In Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XV (Vol. 8487, pp. 136-143). SPIE.
- Lin, H. H., & Tsau, S. Y. (2013). The development of an imaginative thinking scale. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 32(3), 207-238.
- Tsau, S. Y., Wu, K. C., & Huang, Y. C. (2015). Changer—a project of contemporary image and body based on theory mirror stage. In 3rd International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering, ICICE 2014 (pp. 809-814). CRC Press/Balkema.
- Tsau, S. Y., Wu, K. C., & He, Y. S. (2016). Hao Shi Duo Mo”: an interactive museum exhibit underpinned by IPOP-AEF. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 6(10), 1231-1239.
- Wu, K. C., Liu, C. C., Chiu, T. H., Chiang, I. J., Tsau, S. Y., Chen, C. C., ... & Tseng, Y. W. (2017). Building a smart library to improve literacy access for children: an innovative project of NLPI in Taiwan.
- Huang, Y. H., Wu, K. C., & Tsau, S. Y. (2017, May). A study on information seeking behaviors of differing age groups using e-book walls in a library. In 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI) (pp. 177-180). IEEE.
- Lin, Y. S., Wu, K. C., & Tsau, S. Y. (2018). A Comparative Study of User’s Information Seeking Behavior in e-Book Recommendation System. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 8(3), 227-230.
- Huang, M. H., & Tsau, S. Y. (2018, April). A flow experience analysis on the virtual reality artwork: la camera insabbiata. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications (pp. 51-55).
- Luo, W. J., Wu, K. C., & Tsau, S. Y. (2018, April). Gender stereotype of male nurse in a virtual reality game: Exploring the effect of MBTI in decision-making process through game theory. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Invention (ICASI) (pp. 418-421). IEEE.
- Wang, C. H., Wu, K. C., & Tsau, S. Y. (2019). Flow learning experience: Applying marketing theory to serious game design. Journal of educational computing research, 57(2), 417-447.
- Lin, Y. C., Wu, K. C., & Tsau, S. Y. (2019, July). Effect of Virtual Reality at Exhibitions on Visitor Experiences Underpinned by Museum Studies:“Seeing The Past Through The Present-The Virtual Reality Of The Taipei West District Beimen VR Tour”. In 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII) (pp. 198-201). IEEE.
- Tseng, Y. H., Lin, T. J., Yang, T. H., Han, P. H., & Tsau, S. Y. (2020). HEY!: Exploring Virtual Character Interaction for Immersive Storytelling via Electroencephalography. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 Posters (pp. 1-2).
- Zeng, W. X., Yang, W. H., Pan, C. L., Ko, J. C., Lung, C. H., & Tsao, H. Y. (2022, July). WANA Wallet: The Application Design of Currency Wallets with Transaction Entertainment and Socialization Capital and Display Functions. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan(pp. 537-538). IEEE.
- Ju, W. H., Lin, P. C., Ju–Chun, K., & Hsiao–Yue, T. (2022, July). 7th Sense-Combining Augmented Reality Visual Feedback and 360 Camera User Solutions. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan(pp. 51-52). IEEE.
- Yeh, T. H., & Tsau, S. Y. (2022, July). Taking Cat Ears to Improve the Facial Emotions of Virtual YouTuber to Enhance the Immersion of Readers. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (pp. 229-230). IEEE.
- Xu, Z. H., Wei, H. J., Yeh, T. H., Fang, C., Ko, J. C., Tsau, S. Y., & Wu, K. C. (2022, July). Blooming: A Handheld Device Using Flywheel to Simulates Various Multi-Force Feedback. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (pp. 55-56). IEEE.
- Ho, C., Sun, J., & Wu, K. (2023, April). Exploring Creativity of Designers in Children's Library Navigation APP Design with Design Thinking Workshop. In Proceedings of the 2023 8th International Conference on Information and Education Innovations (pp. 180-186).
- Chen, H. H., & Tsao, H. Y. (2023, November). A Framework For Presence Maintenance: Evoking Synesthesia and Empathy in Cinematic
- Virtual Reality. In 2023 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (GEM) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Chen, K. W., & Tsao, H. Y. (2024). ScholarOne-Dance Learning in Elementary Education: Interactive Media and Mirror Neurons. Authorea Preprints.
- H. -H. Chen and H. -Y. Tsao, "Design Strategies for Creating Empathy-Arousing VR Warfare Content Across Various Demographic Groups and levels of VR Experience," 2024 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (GEM), Turin, Italy, 2024, pp. 1-4.
- Y. -H. Cheng, P. -E. Li, S. -M. Wang, K. -C. Wu and H. -Y. Tsao, "The Design of an AI Integrated Service Platform for Infants and Children Care," 2024 International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan), Taichung, Taiwan, 2024, pp. 625-626
- "Using traditional guatemalan textile patterns and designs to inform about guatemalan culture with aid from AR technology", 11th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities (DADH 2020), Taipei City, 2020/12/01
- "Recognizing Situational Color and Facial Emotions through Children’s Interactive Games", ICDTE 2020: 2020 The 4th International Conference on Digital Technology in Education Busan Republic of Korea September, 2020, Busan, 2020/09/15
- "Usability in APP interface designing for the elderly with low-vision, from Taiwanese and Thai people", 2nd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2020, Tainan, 2020/05/29
- "Augmented Reality Navigation App and Metadata Icon Design for Children’s Library", World Library and Information Congress 85th IFLA General and Assembly,, Athens, 2019/08/24
- "Effect of Virtual Reality at Exhibitions on Visitor Experiences Underpinned by Museum Studies: “Seeing The Past Through The Present – The Virtual Reality Of The Taipei West District Beimen VR Tour”", IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION AND INVENTION 2019 (IEEE ICKII 2019), Seoul, 2019/07/13
- "Game-based Learning and Augmented Reality Navigation APP for Children’s Libraries", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW), Yi-Lan, 2019/05/20
- "Design thinking learner's imagination in design computational thinking course learning outcomes.", The 2nd international conference on global challenges of traditional education and distance learning: reflections and concerns (TEDLR-2019), Taipei, 2019/05/16
- "The use of Instagram in public libraries and academic libraries in Taiwan", IEEE 2019 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Fukuoka, 2019/04/11
- "A Case Study of “Taipei (West District) Geographic Public Art project:Effect of virtual reality content curation on social education", ISER 178th International Conference, Taipei, 2018/12/26
- "An innovative interface design for a learning website for adolescent seeking information in science research", IEEE 2018 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Chiba(千葉), 2018/04/17
- "Interface Layout Design: Assisting Children to Effectively Establish the Hierarchical Knowledge by Micro-interaction.", IEEE 2018 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Chiba(千葉), 2018/04/17
- "Gender Stereotype of Male Nurse in a Virtual Reality Game: Exploring the Effect of MBTI in Decision-Making Process Through Game Theory", IEEE 2018 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Chiba(千葉), 2018/04/1