互動系大學部獲 第18屆育秀盃創意獎_微電影類-企業創意行銷銀獎

賀 2021第18屆育秀盃創意獎 微電影類 企業創意行銷銀獎
作品說明:主角小安每天過著平凡的生活,直到某天出現了一個奇怪的陌生人( 小紀),改變了小安的生活,小安不知道這個陌生人是誰, 他不會說話,不會離開,總是跟著小安的車,靜靜的坐在後座。 被學妹拒絕的那天,小安再也忍受不了,凶狠的把小紀趕下車, 留下小紀一個人,自己走了。沒有小紀的日子,很輕鬆很方便。但是, 小安終究感受到不習慣的感受,就在一瞬間, 另一台摩托車高速騎過來,小安閃避不及摔倒在地, 他不記得是誰撞了他,正在絕望不知所措之際, 小紀的出現扭轉的車禍的僵局… 最後小安才恍然大悟,原來,他的生活不能沒有“它”!
The protagonist Xiao An leads an ordinary life every day, until one day a strange stranger (Xiao Ji) appears, which changes Xiao An’s life. Xiao An doesn’t know who this stranger is. He doesn’t speak or leave. He always Following Xiao An's motorcycle, sitting quietly in the back seat. On the day when Xiao An was rejected by the school girl, he couldn't stand it anymore, and savagely drove Xiao Ji out of the motorcycle, leaving Xiao Ji alone, and left by herself.
Those days without Xiao Ji, it is easy and convenient. However, Xiao An finally felt the unaccustomed feeling. In an instant, another motorcycle was riding at high speed. Xiao An couldn't dodge and fell to the ground. He didn't remember who hit him. He was desperate and at a loss. Xiao Ji's appearance reversed the deadlock of the car accident...
In the end, Xiao An suddenly realized that his life can't without "it"!
參賽網站得獎公布: http://award.ysed.org.tw/news/ detail/48