吳可久 Ko-Chiu Wu 教授/院長

E-mail : kochiuwu@ntut.edu.tw
聯絡電話 :886-2-2771-2171 分機 4574
職稱 :專任教授 (現任設計學院院長)
研究範疇 :數位學習與互動技術 / 資訊科技與管理 / 建築設計與規劃
- 國立台灣大學土木工程系營建工程與管理組 博士
- 維拉諾瓦大學 Villanova University計算機科學 碩士
- 賓夕凡尼亞大學 University of Pennsylvania建築系 碩士
- 國立成功大學建築系學士
- 國立台北科技大學互動設計系專任教授
- 國立台灣大學 圖書資訊學習兼任教授
- 中華技術學院 建築工程系專任副教授
- 國立台灣大學圖書資訊學系 兼任副教授
- 國立台北科技大學建築系兼任副教授
- 中華民國土木工程乙等特考及格
- The Kling-Lindquist Partnership, Registered Architect, Pennsylvania
- Kondwani Joseph Banda(Co-first author), Ko-Chiu Wu (Co-first author), Hsiu-Ju Jen, Hsin Chu, Li-Chung Pien, Ruey Chen, Tso-Ying Lee, Sheng-Kai Lin, Shih-Han Hung, and Kuei-Ru Chou* (2023, Apr). Comparative effectiveness of combined and single neurostimulation and traditional dysphagia therapies for post-stroke dysphagia: a network meta-analysis. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair (SCI), 37(4):194-204.
- Shun-Yun Yang, Ko-Chiu Wu* (2023, Apr). Product design thinking for transmitting intangible culture: A case study of a Han folktale. New Design Ideas (Scopus), 7(1), 62-80.
- Chung-Hsiang Wang, Ko-Chiu Wu*, & Wan-Ting Jiang (2023, Jan). Web-based drawing for students with different learning styles and cognitive abilities. Education and Information Technologies (SSCI), 28, 9049-9079. MOE-108-1-B03-1.
- Ko-Chiu Wu, Chia-Hsing Chen* & Chien-Hui Hsu (2022, Aug). Three-dimensional visualization of thermal environments in urban canyons. Geocarto International (SCI), 37(101903):1-29. MOST 110-2221-E-027-019-MY2.
- Chun-Ching Chen, Chung-Ching Liu, Tzu-Heng Chiu, Yu-Wei Lee & Ko-Chiu Wu* (2022, Jun). Role of Perceived Ease of Use for Augmented Reality App Designed to Help Children Navigate Smart Libraries. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction (SSCI), 39(13):2606-2623.
- Hui-Chun Tsuang, Ko-Chiu Wu, Kuang-Hui Peng (2021, Sep). Social housing residents' community participation under the impact of lease period restrictions. International review for spatial planning and sustainable development (Scopus):9(1), 30-46.
- Ko-CHiu Wu*, Tsung-Ying Yang (2021, Apr). Library collections promotion for preadolescents using social media marketing strategies. Library Hi Tech (SSCI), 40(6):1671-1688.
- Chung-Hsiang Wang, Ko-Chiu Wu*, Saiau-Yue Tsau (2019, Apr.). Flow Learning Experience: Applying Marketing Theory to Serious Game Design. Journal of Educational Computing Research (SSCI), 57(2):417-447.
- Ko-Chiu Wu, Yi-Hsieh Huang (2018, Sep). Emotions and eye-tracking of differing age groups searching on e-book Wall, Aslib Journal of Information Management (SSCI), 70(4):.434-454.
- Ko-Chiu Wu, Lih-Yau Song (2017, Aug). A Case for Inclusive Design: Analyzing the Needs of Those Who Frequent Taiwan’s Urban Parks. Applied Ergonomics, Human Factors in Technology and Society (SSCI):58, 254-264.
- Ko-Chiu Wu, Hung-Chun Chen (2016, Sep). How Curiosity and Uncertainty Shape Children’s Information Seeking Behaviors. Library Hi Tech (SSCI):34(3):549-564. NSC 101-2410-H-027-014.
- Ko-Chiu Wu, Tsai-Ying Hsieh (2016, Jun). Affective Choosing of Clustering and Categorization Representations in E-book Interfaces. Aslib Journal of Information Management (SSCI), 68(3):265-285. MOST 104-2410-H-027-018.
- Ko-Chiu Wu, Hung-Chun Chen (2016, Mar). Children use second- and third- dimensional digital library interfaces. Library Hi Tech (SSCI), 34(1):21-35. NSC 101-2410-H-027-014.
- Ko-Chiu Wu (2015, Jul). Affective Surfing in the Visualized Interface of a Digital Library for Children. Information Processing & Management (SSCI), 51(4):373-390. NSC 99-2515-S-027-004.
- Ko-Chiu Wu*, Po-Yuan Huang (2015, Jun). Treatment of an Anonymous Recipient: Solid-Waste Management Simulation Game. Journal of Educational Computing Research (SSCI):52(4)568-600.
- Ko-chiu Wu*, Yun-meng Tang and Cheng-yu Tsai (2014, May). Graphical interface design for children seeking information in a digital library. Visualization in Engineering: 2, 5. (SpringerOpen). NSC 99-2515-S-027-004.
- 吳可久,鍾涵(2023年12月)。感性與理性交互下公共圖書館轉型: 智慧情感圖書館之想像。台北市立圖書館館訊,37(2),21-34。
- 陳家興,蔡欣樺,吳可久(2021年03月)。基於無人機遙測都市熱島效應之空間分析方法。建築學報(TSSCI),115, 57-72。科技部:108-2221-E-027-003-MY2。
- 劉仲成,吳可久,邱子恒,陳圳卿(2020年11月)。LIBRARY 2.0兒童智慧圖書館群智互動介面之建置。公共圖書館研究,12;1-36。
- 劉仲成,吳可久,邱子恒,陳圳卿(2019年11月)。兒童圖書館擴增實境導航之建置。公共圖書館研究,10;1-20。
- 宋立垚,王瑄*,吳可久 (2019年)。通用設計理念下不同年齡別使用都市公園設施需求差異分析,建築學報(TSSCI),97(增刊):61-77。
- 王瑄,吳可久*,宋立垚(2019年)。活動場所無障礙設施設備標誌設計指引, 建築學報(TSSCI),97(增刊):33-46。
- 陳怡君,駱金隆,吳可久,曹筱玥(2018年)。兒童數位圖書館資訊視覺化網站設計─ 以圓夢繪本資料庫為例,公共圖書館研究,8,28-61。
- 吳可久,陳圳卿,邱子恒,蔣以仁,林杰穎,王薇晴,趙恩襄,李牧微,周佳靜 (2017)兒童圖書館智慧化導航及視覺化介面之建置,國家圖書館館刊,106(2),85-108。
- 劉仲成,吳可久,邱子恒,陳圳卿,蔣以仁,曹筱玥,賴麗香 (2017年)。混合實境兒童智慧圖書館之建置,公共圖書館研究,6,1-1-1-21。
- 吳可久(2014年09月)。台灣百年公共圖書館建築之規劃設計方式演進。大學圖書館,18(2),50-59。
- 吳可久,邱子恒,林佳蓉(2014年06月)。兒童視覺化資訊檢索介面知識分類架構之初探。國家圖書館館刊,103(1),79-100。國科會:101-2410-H-027-014。
- 吳可久,林佳蓉,陳泓均,柯浩仁(2014年04月)。兒童數位學習資料庫之空間圖示資訊搜尋介面設計。Journal of Library and Information Science,40(1),51-65。(DOAJ)。國科會:101-2410-H-027-014。
- 吳可久(2014年03月)。數位時代趨勢下公共圖書館建築轉型。台北市立圖書館館訊,31(3),9-21。
- 吳可久,蘇于倫,曹筱玥 (2013年03月)。由激發想像力思維探索設計課程教學方式,建築學報(TSSCI), 83,19-35。NSC 98-2511-S-027-007-MY2.
- 何明錦,吳可久*,陳圳卿,毛犖,廖慧燕(2011年02月)。通用設計理念下之都市公園設計指引。建築學報(TSSCI),76 期增刊:105-128。
- 吳可久(2011年03月)。應用通用設計原則於公共圖書館空間規劃之分析。台北市立圖書館館訊,28(3),11-22。
- 吳可久,謝寶煖(2010年09月)。大學圖書館員對圖書館建築規劃典型訊息之認知。大學圖書館,14(2),113-133。
- 宋立垚,吳可久* (2010年07月).由宏觀鑑定觀點檢視1949-2000年都市建設類國家檔案之主題分類, 教育資料與圖書館學(TSSCI),47(4):459-498.
- 吳可久*,王文安,宋立垚 (2010年06月).大學圖書館讀者避難逃生傾向分析, 圖書資訊學研究(TSSCI), 4(2):95-121。
- 吳可久,劉吉軒,柯雲娥 (2009年06月)。研究型大學讀者對數位化圖書館使用需求與空間概念,建築學報(TSSCI), 68,59-80。
- 劉吉軒,吳可久*,郭麗芳 (2009年05月). 人文社會科學園區數位圖書館與資料中心空間規劃研究, 圖書與資訊學刊, 2(69):18-38。
- 吳可久(2008年9月)。智慧型公共圖書館之發展與建築特色。臺北市立圖書館館訊,26(1),31-43。
- Chun-Wei Chang, Ko-Chiu Wu*, Hsiao-Yean Chiu (2023, Oct). Desensitization Diary: Integrating EMDR with Constructive Worry for Improving Trauma-Related Insomnia. 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023), Nara, Japan.
- Han Chung, Ko-Chiu Wu* (2023, Oct). Beating Procrastination: Interface Design of an Affective Task Management APP. 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023), Nara, Japan.
- Yi-Jen Lai, Ko-Chiu Wu*, Hsiao-Yean Chiu (2023, Oct). Ubiquitous Biofeedback Game Induce Relaxation in Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia. 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023), Nara, Japan.
- Jia-Rui Sun, Ko-Chiu Wu* (2023, Jul). Impacts of Information Accessibility and Diagnosticity on Children’s Visual Perception of Recommended Books. 2023 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Chalakorn Juitor, Ko-Chiu Wu* (2021, Jul). The analysis of brainwaves to measuring tone impact on behavior of ADHD children. 23 rd. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2021), Virtual conference, USA.
- Yu-Wei Lee, Ko-Chiu Wu*, Jie-Ying Lin (2019, Sep). Book Recommended Mechanism for the Children Library. IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2019 (IEEE ICKII 2019), South Korea.
- Chung-Hsiang Wang*, Saiau-Yue Tsau, Ko-Chiu Wu, Hsin-Chien Huang, (2019, Sep). Body in flow experience on the VR new media artwork "To the moon ". The 26th IEEE International conference on image processing (ICIP), Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chia-Hsing Chen, Ko-Chiu Wu*, (2018, Jul). Urban light environment profile information collection and 3d space syntax visualization interface development. The 12th International Space Syntax Symposium (12SSS), Beijing, China.
- Yu-Wei Lee*, Ko-Chiu Wu, (2019, May). Game-based Learning and Augmented Reality Navigation APP for Children's Libraries. IEEE International Conference on consumer electronics (IEEE 2019 ICCE-TW), Yilan, Taiwan.
- Ko-Chiu Wu, Chung-Hsiang Wang*, (2019, May). Design thinking learner's imagination in design computational thinking course learning outcomes. The 2nd international conference on global challenges of traditional education and distance learning: reflections and concerns (TEDLR-2019), Taipei, Taiwan.
- Yu-Fei Huang, Ko-Chiu Wu*, (2019, Apr). The use of Instagram in public libraries and academic libraries in Taiwan. IEEE 2019 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Fukuoka, Japan.
- Yi-Ching Lin, Saiau-Yue Tasu, Ko-Chiu Wu*, (2018, Dec). A Case Study of “Taipei (West District) Geographic Public Art project:Effect of virtual reality content curation on social education. ISER 178th International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
- En-Xiang Zhao, Ko-Chiu Wu*, (2018, Apr). An innovative interface design for a learning website for adolescent seeking information in science research. IEEE 2018 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Chiba, Japan.
- Mu-Wei Lee, Ko-Chiu Wu*, (2018, Apr). Interface Layout Design: Assisting Children to Effectively Establish the Hierarchical Knowledge by Micro-interaction. IEEE 2018 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Chiba, Japan.
- Peng-Wen Tong, Ko-Chiu Wu*, Saiau-Yue Tsau (2018, Apr). Pattern-based learning in a computational thinking-driven class. IEEE 2018 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Chiba, Japan.
- Wen-Jing Luo, Ko-Chiu Wu*, Saiau-Yue Tsau (2018, Apr). Gender stereotype of male nurse in a virtual reality game: exploring the effect of MBTI in decision-making process through game theory. IEEE 2018 International conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), Chiba, Japan.
- Ko-Chiu Wu*, Yi-Shin Lin, En-Xiang Zhao (2017, Nov). An information visualization notepad for adolescent seeking information in science research, 2017 the 3rd International Conference on Communication and Information processing (ICCIP2017), Tokyo, Japan.
- Ko-Chiu Wu*, Tzu-Heng Chiu, Chun-Ching Chen, I-Jen Chiang (2017, Nov). Transform Children’s Library into a Mixed-reality Learning Environment Using Smartwatch Navigation and Information Visualization Interfaces, PNC 2017 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Ko-Chiu Wu*, Chung-Ching Liu, Tzu-Heng Chiu, I-Jen Chiang, Saiau-Yue Tsau, Chun-Ching Chen, Li-Hsiang Lai, Yu-Wei Tseng (2017, Aug). Building a smart library to improve literacy access for children: an innovative project of NLPI in Taiwan, World Library and Information Congress 83rd IFLA General and Assembly, Wroclaw, Poland.
- Ko-Chiu Wu*, Hsuan Wang (2017, Jul). Accessible outdoor wayfinding in urban parks in Taiwan -a case of inclusive design, 11th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, Vancouver, Canada.
- Yi-Hsieh Huang, Ko-Chiu Wu, Saiau-Yue Tsau (2017, May). A Study on Information- Seeking Behaviors of Differing Age Groups Using E-book Walls in a Library, IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, (ICASI 2017), Sapporo, Japan.
- Yi-Shin Lin, Ko-Chiu Wu, Saiau-Yue Tsau (2017, May). A Comparative Study of User’s Information Seeking Behavior in E-book Recommendation System, 4th International Conference on Society, Education and Psychology (ICSEP 2017), Macao.
- Ko-Chiu Wu,Chin-Lung Lo*,Yi-Chun Chen (2016, Jan). E-Book Information System and Browsing Interface for Children: A User Participation Perspective, Taiwan International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Big Data, Taipei.
- Felipe Lozano*, Ko-Chiu Wu (2015, Apr). Introduction to the study of the Non-Image, The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2015, Osaka,Japan.
- Ko-Chiu Wu, Hsuan Wang* (2014, Nov). Need Assessments for Urban Park Facilities in Taiwan, The 5th International Conference for Universal Design, Fukushima & Tokyo.
- Saiau-Yue Tsau, Ko-Chiu Wu & Yu-Chun Huang (2014, Oct). Changer—a project of contemporary image and body based on theory mirror stage, 3rd International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2014) - Innovation in Design, Communication and Engineering, Guiyang, Guizhou, China.
- Wu, K.C.*, Huang, P.Y., & Tsau, S.Y. (2014 Aug). The Creative Digital Game: Problem-Solving Simulation of City Trash. 2014 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and social Science, Taipei.
- Ko-Chiu Wu, Yu-Lun Su, Ting-Yu Lin (2013, Dec). Information processing and media recognition of ‘Architectural design’ E-learning material. DesignED Asia Conference 2013, Hong Kong.
- Ko-Chiu Wu,Yun-Meng Tang, Hung-Chun Chen, Chia-Jung Lin, Yi-Hsian Lee (2013, Oct). The information seeking navigation interface with spatial icons for children, The 13th International Conference for Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, London, UK.
- Ko-Chiu Wu* (2012, Nov). Surfing in the virtual digital library- a linked database structure for intuitive information-seeking behavior of children, The 12th International Conference for Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Taipei.
- Ko-Chiu Wu* (2010, Oct). Keynote Speech- Mobility for All in Asia 2 – Traffic in Taiwan, The 3rd International Conference for Universal Design, Hamamatsu, Japan.
- 梁予緁*、吳可久、曹筱玥,由兒童認知理解力初探兒童想像力量表-以國小三年級為例,第 20 屆中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會暨第 2 屆國際設計研究論壇暨研討會, 2015/5,雲林。
- 王忠祥*、吳可久,以互動遊戲設計手法導入環境教育展覽-以環生方舟之氣候變遷環境教育展覽中心為例,第 20 屆中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會暨第 2 屆國際設計研究論壇暨研討會,2015/5,雲林。
- 陳怡君*、駱金隆、吳可久、曹筱玥,兒童數位圖書館搜尋介面圖符設計–以圓夢繪本資料庫為例,第 20 屆中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會暨第 2 屆國際設計研究論壇暨研討會,2015/ 5,雲林。 4. 吳可久*,通用設計觀點下之大學校園規劃與民眾參與,11th 海峽兩岸「大學的校園」學術研討會,2011/10,中壢。
- 吳可久*、劉瑞祥,感性與理性-當創意人遇見管理人,2011兩岸文創論壇,2011/5,新北市。 6. 吳可久*、簡馨瑩、劉瑞祥,大專技職學生「交通空間想像力」之認知歷程,第一屆國際設計創作與實務研討會,2010/6,台北市。
- 楊元綺﹑曹筱玥﹑吳可久* (2011, --). 兩性認知地圖建構差異對駕駛尋路行為影響之探討. Proceedings of the 2011 Interactive Experience & Digital Archive Service/ Application Conference.
- 吳可久 (2021.12).設計智慧圖書館以促進兒童資訊搜尋及樂於其中,在賴忠勤等編,公共圖館人才培訓教材第18輯-圖書館創新服務與設計(頁53-70)。臺中市:國立公共資訊圖書館。((ISBN:978-626-7106-02-0)。
- 吳可久、圖書館建築編輯小組(編) (2013.12)。第三章公共圖書館建築之特色及展望,第四章大學圖書館建築之特色及展望。在林光美編著,中華民國圖書館事業百年回顧與展望6 –圖書館建築 (頁55-150)。臺北市:中華民國圖書館學會、五南圖書。(ISBN:978-957-11-7429-7)
- 吳可久、黃文琪、圖書館建築編輯小組(編) (2013.12)。第五章中小學圖書館建築之特色及展望。在林光美編著,中華民國圖書館事業百年回顧與展望6 –圖書館建築 (頁239-274)。臺北市:中華民國圖書館學會、五南圖書。(ISBN:978-957-11-7429-7)
- 陳格理、吳可久、圖書館建築編輯小組、林光美(編) (2013.12)。第七章總結與展望。在林光美編著,中華民國圖書館事業百年回顧與展望6 –圖書館建築 (頁369-388)。臺北市:中華民國圖書館學會、五南圖書。(ISBN:978-957-11-7429-7)
- Ko-Chiu Wu (2011.3). The Development and Trend of Universal Design in Taiwan。In Dong, H. (ed.), All Design (pp.88-95). 上海市:上海工業設計協會(SIDA)。(ISBN: 9-771007-450006, ISSN-1672-1837)
- 吳可久*(2011)。改善閱讀環境理念與公共圖書館空間規劃設計與評估。創造閱讀天堂-公共圖書館人才培訓教材第9輯, 臺中: 國立台中圖書。(ISBN:978-986-03-0656-9)
- 吳可久、宋立垚、王 瑄、楊舒晴(2015)廣場及開放空間通用化設計規範,內政部建築研究所委託研究報告(ISBN- 978-986-04-7428-2)
- 吳可久、宋立垚、王 瑄、鄭硯方(2014) 建築物無障礙設施設計規範解說彙編,內政部建築研究所委託研究報告(ISBN- 978-986-04-2905-3)
- 王順治、吳可久、邱子恒、湯芸孟、吳亭瑩(2012) WHO高齡友善城市指標可及性之研究,內政部建築研究所協同研究報告(ISBN- 978-986-03-4395-3)
- 吳可久、宋立垚、王仁亮、蕭右祥(2011) 研訂通用化公園規劃設計手冊,內政部建築研究所委託研究報告(ISBN-978-986-03-0174-8)
- 毛犖、吳可久、陳圳卿、李吉思、蘇鏡澄(2009) 通用化公園規劃設計研究,內政部建築研究所協同研究報告(ISBN-978-986-02-1562-5)
- 吳可久 / 劉佳穎 新型專利-衛生紙架 中華民國 M390121
- 吳可久 / 曹筱玥 / 蔡遵弘 / 林佳蓉 / 蔡欣穎 / 楊蕙瑀 / 洪雯凌 發明專利-互動程式物件處理方法與其多機通訊方法 中華民國 I509464
- 吳可久 / 曹筱玥 發明專利-安全導航系統與其路線規劃方法 中華民國 I489086
- 吳可久 / 廖康雁 發明專利-生態帷幕牆裝置 中華民國 I517786
- 虛實整合穿戴式手錶導航視覺化兒童圖書館
- 青少年科普資訊搜尋行為及研究筆記資訊視覺化界面開發
- 圖書館電子書視覺化介面的主題引介與俗民分類回饋研究
- 兒童虛擬圖像化數位圖書館資訊搜尋介面之研究
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