Chun-Ching Chen
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Telephone numbers :886-2-2771-2171 ext 4573
Title :Professor (2024.08.01) / Department Chair
Research category :User Experience Analysis / Human-Computer Interface Design / Usability Engineering / Human Factor
- Ph.D., Design Institute, Coventry University, United Kingdom
- M.S. Department of Industrial Design, Tatong Institute of Technology
- B.S. Department of Industrial Design, Tatong Institute of Technology
- Associate Professor, Department of Interaction Deisgn, National Taipei University of Technology
- Director of the Chinese Institute of Design (current position)
- Section Chief of the Graduate Academic Affairs, Office of Continuing Education, National Taipei University of Technology
- Assistive Technology Consultant, Taiwan Motor Neurone Disease (ALS) Association
- Assistant Professor, Department of Product Design, Ming Chuan University
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Design, National Taipei University of Technology
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design, Tatong University
Journal paper:
- Chen, C. C., Kang, X., Li, X. Z.* and Kang, J. (2024). Design and Evaluation for Improving Lantern Culture Learning Experience with Augmented Reality. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 40(6), 1465-1478. (SSCI)
- Chen, A. Y., Chen, C. C.* and Chen, W. Y. (2024). Applying design narrative and image structure to explore design students' learning performance. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 61(2), 398-408. (SSCI)
- Hsieh, Y. Y., Chen, C. C.*, Chen, W. Y. and Cheng, T. Y. (2024). The future development trends of Taiwan cultural and creative products from the perspective of industrial design. Creative Industries Journal, 17(1), 60-74. (ESCI)
- Kang X., Li, X. Z.* and Chen, C. C. (2023). An acceptance model of digital education in intangible cultural heritage based on cultural awareness. Digital Creativity. 34(4), 331-346. (A&HCI)
- Li, X. Z., Chen, C. C. and Kang X.* (2023). Religious diversity education: raising children’s awareness of religious diversity through augmented reality. Humanities & Social Sciences Communication, 10(1), 1-10. (SSCI, A&HCI)
- Chen, C. C., Liu, C. C., Chiu, T. H., Lee, Y. W. and Wu, K. C.* (2023). Role of Perceived Ease of Use for Augmented Reality App Designed to Help Children Navigate Smart Libraries. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 39(13), 2606-2623. (SSCI)
- Chen, A. Y., Chen, C. C.* and Chen, W. Y. (2023). The design narrative in design learning: Adjusting the inertia of attention and enhancing design integrity. The Design Journal, 26(4), 519-535. (A&HCI)
- Li X. Z., Chen C. C.* and Kang X. (2022). Research on the cultivation of sustainable development ability of higher vocational students by creative thinking teaching method. Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 979913, 1-13. (SSCI)
- Li X. Z., Chen C. C., Kang X. and Kang J. (2022). Research on Relevant Dimensions of Tourism Experience of Intangible Cultural Heritage Lantern Festival: Integrating Generic Learning Outcomes With the Technology Acceptance Model. Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 943277, 1-16. (SSCI)
- Ma, J. Y., Chen, C. C.* (2022). Evaluating user perception and emotion of microinteractions using a contradictory semantic scale. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 30(2), 103-114. (SCIE)
- Hsieh, Y. Y.*, Chen, C. C. and Chen, W. Y. (2022). Form Development from 2D to 3D: The Basic Design Courses for Higher Education. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 41(1), 96-107. (A&HCI, SSCI)
Hsieh, Y. Y., Chen, C. C.* and Chen, W. Y. (2021). How the Design Leadership and Strategic Design Drive New Value in Enterprises and Organizations. Strategic Design Research Journal, 14(3), 474-483. (Scopus)
Conference paper:
- Tang, C. and Chen, C. C. (2023). Predicting the Intention of Clinic Patients to Adopt Clinic Self-Service Appointment and Payment Kiosks using the modified UTAUT framework. 2023 6th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI), Batam, Indonesia.
- Lee, Y. J., Huang, P. C., Chen, C. C. and Lung, C. H. (2023). Exploring the Suitability of AVAS for Electric Scooters. IEEE 2023 The 8th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) Asia, Busan, South Korea.
- Chiu, Y. H. and Chen, C. C. (2023). Enhancing Brainstorming with Artificial Intelligence. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan, 2023, PingTung, Taiwan.
- Tsai, H. P., Chen, C. C. and Peng, C. W. (2022). Usability Evaluation of a Muscle Strength Training System for Older Adults. International Conference on Computer and Applications ICCA 2022, Cairo, Egypt.
- Li, X. Z., Chen, C. C. and Kang, X. (2022). Research on Intangible cultural heritage education inheritance based on augmented reality technology. 2022 IEEE ICCE-TW, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Cheng, T. Y., Chen, C. C. (2021). Gender perception differences of robots with different degrees of anthropomorphism. 2021 IEEE ICCE-TW, Penghu, Taiwan.
- Chou. Y. H., Chen, C. C. (2021). The effect of children's belongingness on online knowledge- sharing behaviors in a library virtual book club. IEEE 2021 ICCE-TW, Penghu, Taiwan.
- Hsu, Y. W., CHEN, C. C. (2021). Investigating the Design of the Emotion Function of an APP for Children's Libraries. IEEE 2021 ICCE-TW, Penghu, Taiwan.
- Hsu, Y. W., Chen, C. C. (2021). Design and Evaluation of Children Library App Interface. IEEE 2021 ICCE-TW, Penghu, Taiwan.
- Li, X. Z., Chen, C. C. and Kang, X. (2021). Design of Social Story Teaching Aid for Autistic Children Based on Computational Thinking and Its Case Study. 2021 2nd International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things., Beijing, China.
- Li, X. Z., Chen, C. C. and Kang, X. (2021). The Design and Evaluation of Teaching Activities Combining Traditional Lantern Craftsmanship with Primary Education in the Perspective of Intangible Cultural Heritage . 2021 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Technologies in Education, Beijing, China.
- Chiu, Y. T., Chen, C. C. (2020). Exploring the Syntactic Structures of Mature Group using Virtual Assistant in Taiwan. IEEE 2020 ICCE-TW, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
- Li, Y. Y., Chen, C. C. (2020). Exploring the possibility of adding classification to the application menu interface of Apple Watch. IEEE 2020 ICCE-TW, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
- Li, Y. Y., Chen, C. C. (2020). Exploring the interface design of smartwatch application menu. IEEE 2020 ICCE-TW, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
- Kuo, L, Chen, C. C. (2019). Eye-controlled augmentative and alternative communication system to improve communication quality between dysarthria patients and foreign caregivers in Taiwan. IEEE ICASI 2019, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Wei, T. Y., Chen, C. C. (2019). Exploring Target Size and Visual Distance of Responsive Eye-Controlled System. IEEE ICASI 2019, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Hsiao, Y. C., Chen, C. C., Fan, P. L. (2018). Innovative Service Design of 360 Technology in Media. 2018 1st IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII), Jeju Island, South Korea.
- Chen, C. C., Huang, Y. Y. (2018). The effect of color and layout design on the eye gaze input interface. IEEE ICASI 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
- Chen, C. C., Lin, Y. S. (2018). Study on the Interactive Interface Design of Gaze Input Smart TV. IEEE ICASI 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
- Ma, J., Chen, C. C., Lin, Y. J. (2018). Emotional and Cognitive Assessment of Use of Functional Animation. International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications, ICMVA 2018, Singapore.
- Wang, W. C., Chen, C. C. (2017). Exploring the Interface Design of Assisting Children to Find Books in the Library Using Smartwatches. IEEE 2017 ICCE-TW, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Zhou, Y., Chen, C. C. (2017). The Conceptual Design Research of Integrating the Current Electric Vehicles' Public Charging Service by Applications. 2017 IEEE ICASI, Sapporo, Japan.
23. Chen, C. C. (2015). User Recognition and Preference of App Icon Stylization Design on the Smartphone. HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA. MOST 103-2420-H-027-002-MY2.