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Professor. Hsiao Yu-Ching served as the deputy referee and trainer for the vocational skills competition, leading Taiwanese students to achieve outstanding results.


Professor. Hsiao Yu-Ching served as the deputy referee and trainer for the vocational skills competition, leading Taiwanese students to achieve outstanding results.


On April 17, 2023, the 10th International Skills Competition of the Enabling Expo held its award ceremony. The competition, which was postponed for two years due to the pandemic, saw a total of 8 gold medals, 9 silver medals, and 3 bronze medals won by competitors from various professional categories, placing Taiwan third in the world rankings and surpassing the previous competition in terms of the number of awards received.

Prof. Hsiao, a professor in our department, served as the deputy referee for the editing and layout category, as well as a trainer for the team. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the competitors and their trainers, the team achieved the remarkable feat of winning the silver medal in the editing and layout category, ranking second in the world. We hope to continue promoting the spirit of the Enabling Expo and strive for excellence in vocational education in the future.


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