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Academic Activities
Academic Activities
Congratulation!! Prof.Chun-Ching Chen won the National Innovation Award 2024
Professor Han Ping-Hsuan's Research Team Wins SIGGRAPH 2024 DCEXPO Jury’s Special Prize
Taipei Tech. Partners with NVIDIA – Outstanding Works from the Department of Interaction Design Students Featured at International Conferences
Che-Kuang Chuang from Taipei Tech’s Department of Interaction Design Wins Awards at Filmcon Awards and IndieFEST Film Awards
Professor Han Ping-Hsuan and his Tean won the Best in Show Award at the 2023 ACM SIGGRAPH
Congratulations! Instructor Che Kuang Chuang won the the third prize at the "Dadun Art Exhibition" exhibition 2024
Congratulations! Instructor Che Kuang Chuang won the the second prize at the "Miaoli Art Exhibition" biennial exhibition
Congratulations! Instructor Che Kuang Chuang won the K Design Award and IDA Award 2023
Congratulations! Instructor Che Kuang Chuang won the Best Experimental Film award at the 2023 LAFA Awards
Taipei Tech. Director Hsiao-Yue Tsao led the students in organizing the "Mazu Blue Tears Fantasy Exhibition.
Lecturer Chuang Che-Kuang has been honored with an Excellence Award at the 2023 Taitung Art Exhibition.
Erasmus+ International Talent Mobility Program Activity
Interdisciplinary Collaboration: NTUT Interactive Design Department Enhances Classic Dance Drama "Qixi Rain" with AR Technology
Professor. Hsiao Yu-Ching served as the deputy referee and trainer for the vocational skills competition, leading Taiwanese students to achieve outstanding results.
Taipei Tech. XR Research and Development Center showcases Taiwan's female technological power in New York Fashion Show
Lecturer Chuang Che-Kuang won the second place in the digital art category of the 27th Dadun Art Exhibition
Taipei City Government Team Visited National Taipei University of Technology Metaverse XR R&D Center
Professor Saiau-Yue Tsau won the LAFA Best Virtual Reality Award
Giant Group visited IxD Department on 3/11
AIT visited the Department of Interaction Taipei Tech on Tiger Year
Project Lecturer Che-Kuang Chuang has won Pingtung Award- Best Selection
New work published by Professorr Chien-Wen Cheng: The Flowing Collage of Time and Space.
An analysis essay by professor Lung, Chi-Hao in the interactive exhibition of buffalo portraits at the NTMOFA
Associate Professor Saiau-Yue Tsau participated in the press conference for the initiative of “idea TAIPEI Creativity Camp MRT Sound Landscape”
Hong Kong Yan Oi Tong Chan Wong Suk Fong Memorial Secondary School visiting the Interactive Design Department
Calligraphic Move – Writing to Manifest Aesthetics
Interview with teacher Ge Rujun, first Taiwan student graduated from Singularity University, Silicone Valley.